Story told by Mr. Ron Carlisle
Shortly after Kopperl was established a man named I. C. Jackson opened a Lumber Company and Building Supply store. Mr. Jackson's store was located directly behind the W. F. Day Grocery and Hardware Store which is still standing to this day. It was directly across the street from the old post office which is also still standing.

The Jackson Lumberyard was torn down in the early 1900s, but the Jackson Family continued to live in Kopperl. The Jackson Home is still standing to this day and is one of the oldest homes still standing in Kopperl. It sits on the north side of town where CR 1236 makes the turn. If you have lived in Kopperl for any time you will know the house.
Back around the turn of the century it was still common practice to receive gold coins as payment for goods. Each time Mr. Jackson received a gold
coin as payment at the lumberyard he would take the coins home and place them in a slot he had cut in his wall. He never kept track of how many coins he had saved up and never opened the wall to cash in his gold before he passed away.
Mr. Jackson's Daughter was Edith Jackson who was married to Rowland Day. Rowland and Edith inherited the Jackson homestead. Rowland and Edith lived at the home and owned Day's Grocery in Kopperl for many years.
Edith knew that her father had deposited coins in the slot in the wall of their home and the curiosity got the best of her in the 1930s. She did not know what was behind the wall, but soon found out after she hired M. S. Greer to open up the wall. Not knowing what to expect they were extremely surprised that when the wall was opened up "hundreds" of gold coins started pouring out on the floor. The story was told that so many coins fell out of the wall it took a wheel barrow to haul them all to the Kopperl Bank. M. S. Greer was paid 2 gold coins for his service and the rest of the gold coins were cashed in at the Kopperl Bank.
